
“Character Is Destiny” -Heraclitus


  • Personality
  • Intelligence
  • Deception

Without Testing.


x Conscientiousness
= Success 

What if you could put numbers to those factors?
That's what Quantitative Psychology does.

Choosing the right team is not just about finding smart, driven people.
It's about avoiding the 10% of people who will cause 90% of your problems.
There are personality traits of these people:

Low Agreeability
+ Low Conscientiousness
= Criminal Behavior 

Low Agreeability
+ High Neuroticism
= Personality Disorders (Dangerous people) 

It’s easy to deal with problematic people, if you don’t engage with them in the first place…
This applies not just to your employees, but your consultants, partners, investors, suppliers, etc.
Why not optimize every person your business interacts with?

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A New Approach

There are many companies making similar promises.
Why aren’t you using them already?
Because requiring everyone to take a test is annoying and unrealistic.
And we all know that bad people cheat.

So how can we test people without them knowing?

Machine Learning can classify people based on their vocabulary, their writing and speech.

Different people use different words.
Low IQ people rarely say “concomitant” or “uncorrelated”.
Low Agreeableness people rarely say “happy,” “amazing” or “blessed”.

Artificial Intelligence analyzed thousands of people, billions of words.
Patterns emerged.
Built by leading Academics in Quantitative Psychology

“If you can’t put a number on it, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind.”

- Lord Kelvin

It is time to stop guessing.

Roles & Tasks

Everyone isn’t good at everything.
Accountants make poor rock stars.
Shelf stackers make poor CEOs.
CEOs make poor street sweepers.

There are things you can be trained to do.
There are things you are born to do.
Nature is 70% of outcome, nurture 30%.
Why ask someone to do a role they will likely fail at and be unhappy in?
Do something you were born to do.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”

- Mark Twain

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Roles vs Tasks

Roles are bundles of tasks.
Established job roles usually contain similar tasks.

Why not tailor the role’s tasks to suit the strengths of the person in it?
Remove the ones they’ll struggle with.
Give them to better suited people.
Add tasks not traditionally associated with the role that the person is likely to excel in.

A tailored role is one people will love.
A tailored role is destined for excellence.
A tailored role does not exist elsewhere.
So the individual is unlikely to leave.

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Lying is bad.
Lies are a poison.
Lies harm.
Lies destroy trust.
Liars do not deserve a place in our lives.

But lying is pervasive.
Everyone lies a little.

Identifying lies has been subjective, random, difficult to measure.

However, lies have a semantic structure.
Machine Learning can spot them in real time.
Who is lying?
To whom?
What about?

Lies are unacceptable.
We need a Cult of Truth.
Dashboards can bring you veracity.
Your team can run on accurate information.
Liars can leave.
Or you can not hire them in the first place…

Be Better

It is time to stop guessing.
It is time to put numbers to our hiring.
To our management.
To our lives.

Leave subjectivity behind.
It is time to rise.
To grasp the advantages offered.
It is time, to evolve.

We’re looking forward to helping you.

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